home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!-- *************** DHTML Outline (begin) ***************** -->
- <STYLE TYPE='text/css'>
- <!--
- /*Define elements with children with the class='outlineParentItem', and all elements without children with class='outlineItem'*/
- li.oItem { color: $${PassiveColor}; cursor: text; } ;
- li.oParent { color: $${ActiveColor}; cursor: hand; } ;
- ul ul { display: none; } ;
- // -->
- </STYLE>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE='Javascript'>
- <!--
- // Returns the closest parent tag with tagName containing
- // the src tag. If no such tag is found - null is returned.
- function checkParent( src, tagName ) {
- while ( src != null ) {
- if (src.tagName == tagName)
- return src;
- src = src.parentElement;
- }
- return null;
- }
- // Returns the first tag with tagName contained by
- // the src tag. If no such tag is found - null is returned.
- function checkContent( src, tagName ) {
- var pos = src.sourceIndex ;
- while ( src.contains( document.all[++pos] ) )
- if ( document.all[pos].tagName == tagName )
- return document.all[pos] ;
- return null ;
- }
- // Handle onClick event in the outline box
- function outlineAction() {
- var src = event.srcElement ;
- var item = checkParent( src, "LI" ) ;
- if ( parent != null ) {
- var content = checkContent( item, "UL" ) ;
- if ( content != null )
- if ( content.style.display == "" )
- content.style.display = "block" ;
- else
- content.style.display = "" ;
- }
- event.cancelBubble = true;
- }
- // -->
- <DIV onClick="JavaScript: outlineAction();">
- <UL>
- <WIZSET Items = OutlineItems>
- <WIZSET PrevItem = ''>
- <WIZSET PrevLevel = 0>
- <WIZLOOP condition="1">
- <!---- get next item ---->
- <WIZSET crlf = Find( Items, "\n" )>
- <WIZIF crlf eq 0>
- <WIZSET Item = Items>
- <WIZSET Item = Left( Items, crlf - 2 )>
- </WIZIF>
- <WIZSET Level = 1>
- <WIZLOOP condition="1">
- <WIZSET ItemStart = Find( Item, "\t" )>
- <WIZIF ItemStart eq 1>
- <WIZSET Level = Level+1>
- <WIZSET Item = Right( Item, Len(Item) - 1 )>
- </WIZIF>
- <WIZIF PrevLevel eq 0>
- <WIZELSEIF Level eq PrevLevel
- >$${RepeatString("\t", PrevLevel)}<LI class='oItem'>$${PrevItem}</LI>
- <WIZELSEIF Level gt PrevLevel
- >$${RepeatString("\t", PrevLevel)}<LI class='oParent'>$${PrevItem}
- $${RepeatString("\t", PrevLevel)}<UL>
- >$${RepeatString("\t", PrevLevel)}<LI class='oItem'>$${PrevItem}</LI>
- <WIZSET i = PrevLevel - 1>
- <WIZLOOP condition="(i gte Level)"
- >$${RepeatString("\t", i)}</UL>
- $${RepeatString("\t",i - 1)}</LI>
- <WIZSET i = i - 1>
- </WIZIF>
- <WIZSET PrevItem = Item>
- <WIZSET PrevLevel = Level>
- <WIZIF crlf eq 0>
- <WIZSET Items = Right( Items, Len( Items ) - crlf )>
- </WIZIF>
- >$${RepeatString("\t", PrevLevel)}<LI class='oItem'>$${PrevItem}</LI>
- <WIZSET i = PrevLevel - 1>
- <WIZLOOP condition="(i gte 1)">
- $${RepeatString("\t", i + 1)}</UL>
- $${RepeatString("\t",i)}</LI>
- <WIZSET i = i - 1>
- > </UL>
- </DIV>
- <DIV></DIV>
- <!-- *************** DHTML Outline (end) ***************** -->